2013年2月23日 星期六

騎士鉛筆燈 (Nannostomus eques "Rio Orinoco")

騎士鉛筆燈 ((Nannostomus eques), 俗名 Hockystick Pencilfish, 由於外型像似馬球棍而得名, 尾鰭下葉及臀鰭呈暗紅色彩, 但日常會被身體基部, 由吻部伸展至尾鰭位置的黑班所覆蓋, 黑斑會隨狀態表現時深時淺, 並喜愛集結於有掩護物如枯木或水草叢的地方活動, 泳姿有如在水中飄浮的梗枝, 藉此被過獵食者的攻擊, 個性非常溫和;

而騎士鉛筆燈的產地分佈廣泛, 以下是節錄自seriouslyfish 對該種的產地報告:-

Described from the Peruvian Amazon above Tabatinga, the latter being located in the Três Fronteiras region of Amazonas state,  northwestern Brazil, where the borders of Brazil, Peru, and Colombia meet.
It’s since been recorded throughout the central and upper Amazon region in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia including the rios Tapajós, Trombetas, Madeira, Negro, Japurá, Içá, and Putomayo, and is also known from the Orinoco drainage in Venezuela and and Colombia (Guaviare and Inírida tributary systems) plus various rivers of Guyana including the Essequibo and Curuni.
Genetic reserach has revealed that populations from the upper and middle/lower rio Negro in Brazil represent separate evolutionary units and do not hybridise at the one locality where they occur sympatrically (the Igarapé Jacuná, a tributary of the middle Negro). 

Seriouslyfish 對該種的報告原文